Silk Garters Blog
Grab a coffee & have a read…Best selling purple garter!
This is my best selling purple garter, repinned so many times on Pinterest that I've lost count! Purple Garter Loved on Pinterest I know brides who love purple, just L-O-V-E purple and it shows in the amount of repins this little garter has had! It's a Nottingham lace...
Custom wedding garter… the Gorgeous Meg
Would You like a Custom Made Wedding Garter? I often have brides ask if they can customise a wedding garter and make it more personal to them or suit their style and the Nottingham lace Meg garter is perfect for this! A dainty Nottingham lace, made exclusively...
Happy Mothers Day and Heirloom Bridal Garters
💕 Happy Mothers Day!💕 😍 Creating a family heirloom, wedding garter 😍 After my last passionate outburst, I wanted to share something really special with you... I love my job, but I've realised I don't just make bridal garters. I help mothers to create amazing moments...
An Heirloom Garter
I lost my mother when I was 11 years old. My something old was my mothers wedding ring… It was also my something borrowed, being just 11, all my mums jewellery had been given to my elder sister. I remember driving to the church with my Dad and showing him my...
Wedding garter sizes explained, Petite Garter, Standard Garter, Plus Size Garter, XL Plus Size Garter
Are you confused about which size wedding garter you will need? ~ Above is the best selling Lauren garter, available in several gorgeous colours, in sizes 14"-22", 20"-26" and XL plus size 27"-34" ~ Unlike your usual clothing which comes in ‘Standard’ sizing,...
Designing a Flamingo Wedding Garter #loveflamingos
💕😍🤩 Love Flamingos? 🤩😍💕 I've been caught up in the love of flamingos that is sweeping the world... My lovely friend Barb of the protective shoe brand 'Scuffles' has a cute little flamingo logo. They're everywhere from christmas decorations to shoes, fabric prints and...