Valentines day is THE time of year for romance and is the most popular time of year for marriage proposals\u2026<\/p>\n
It\u2019s also a popular date for a wedding with February 14th having 70% more weddings than the surrounding dates<\/p>\n
<\/a><\/p>\n Endless Love Wedding Garter<\/em><\/p>\n Traditionally men do the proposing, but in the UK, in an exception to the tradition, a girl can propose to her other half on a leap year. In 1936 \u2018Golden Valentine Telegrams\u2019 were issued by the Post Office and thousands were delivered from girls proposing to their men\u2026I\u2019ve read that in Ireland this continues to \u2018If she proposes in a leap year, he has to accept\u2019!<\/p>\n In 1288 Scottish parlament went a step further stating for a leap year, a maiden lady, of high or low estate, is at liberty to ask a man she liked, to take her as his wedded wife. If he refuses he must give her the sum of \u2018ane pundis\u2019 (one pound?) or less depending on his estate, for a silk dress\u2026 Unless he can prove he is already betrothed.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n Timeless Champagne Flowers Wedding Garter<\/em><\/p>\n On Valentines day 1975, 120 British paratroopers returning from serving in Northern Ireland, took part in a \u2018lovers leap\u2019 when they jumped into the arms of wives and girlfriends\u202616 at a time, they parachuted in to a field in Aldershot Surrey. Identifying their sweethearts must have been difficult and the emergency services were on standby\u2026The British army called it a \u2018normal training operation\u2019 \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n <\/a>REME Military Wedding Garter In the Victoria and Albert museum, there is a Valentine from 1820\u2026It\u2019s a cheque, printed with scrolls of love from the \u2018Lovers banking Company\u2019. It\u2019s signed by cupid and reads \u2018I promise to pay on demand the entire LOVE of the supplicant who sends this\u2019 \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n